This is My Beloved Story in Whom I am well Pleased.

I recently finished writing a book, (Fictional children's chapter book.) So I've been spending the last couple months editing it. I love writing. For four months I joyously poured out my imagination on paper, editing, on the other hand I find somewhat dull. I like getting the chance to read through the story but having to comb through it for flaws just isn't that fascinating. Yet in the writing world there's a desire for your written work to be perfect before you publish it (whether from your printer or professionally.) and you can thus become wrapped up in all the flaws for fear you might miss one and your reader would see your mistake.
So the other day I thought about my book, but not from an editors perspective but from a creators. And from this vantage point all I felt was delight. I couldn't be more pleased with how it turned out. For what I desired to show and say is all there and it's covered with the fingerprints of my personality and life.
 We are like stories. The Lord had an idea and passion in His heart of something He wanted to say and show and you were born. The Creator has poured His personality, words and vision into the creation of you. From an editors stand point we're a grammatical and punctuational mess, just like my book. But from a creator's perspective the meaning of our book is not lost in the imperfections that exist. No one ever died from reading something with poor punctuation. Does this mean I wont edit my book anymore? Of course not! I'll probably be working out the flaws for years to come, but that doesn't mean I wont start using it now.
Unlike me the Lord didn't make flaws or mistakes in His creation, sin and the flesh did, but just the same He will be working those out of us for the rest of our existence. Just like my book, we don't have to be perfect for Him to use us. For even with imperfections and flaws we still bear His vision, words, personality and life, and no lack of commas can hide it.
"For this is My Beloved Story in Whom I am well Pleased."


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