
Today I was cleaning the kitchen after lunch and my dad was still eating some strawberries and he asked for the whipped cream. I got it for him and Alexis came over to the table. He offered to squirt some whipped cream into her mouth but she covered it and ran away. Unafraid Abby then stepped forward and he offered her a squirt which she accepted. She then waited around near the table for more until he told her she’d had enough.
As I watched this I thought about how wonderful childhood is. When you love something you just keep asking for more. Unlike adults who in our years and wisdom have learned about things like calories, fat, sugar and the affects there of! Which in the food realm is good knowledge to have.
I then considered though, have we become too wise in our approach to the Lord?
Do we stand at the table with our mouths continuously open for more? Or have we backed off because we’re afraid?
There are so many lies that come into our thinking and from other people that tell us we should be careful, back off, and watch what we pray for because you don’t want to end up like the lady that asked for patience! Well take it from the lady who asked, there are certain cards you may not want but you know you need, and once you have them you wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world.
I could sit back and live a mediocre Christian existence that might feel safe from danger.
But I’d be unfulfilled and I know I’d certainly die of boredom!
We were all put here, right now, to do something, something very specific and very different from anyone else. It’s doesn’t have to be splashy and noticed for every piece is needed and useful. I want to be used to the fullest measure in what I was put here to do.
This morning I was told of the death of David Wilkerson. The man made famous by the movie and book The Cross and the Switchblade. When you first hear the news of someone’s death there tends to be a touch of sadness but then I considered the fact that he’s not sad. He had finished his job and now he got to go home. Just like when my sister, dad, and I go to work. We enjoy our job and have fun together but the main objective is to get it done and go home. We don’t cut corners or do a sloppy job to make things go faster, we work hard and give our very best to complete it, and when we’re done we’re happy to go.
This life isn’t to be preserved for ourselves, it’s to be spent. Who doesn’t want that one thing that they can be obsessed and gluttonous about? When it comes to pursuing Jesus Christ you can never have too much!
So until it’s time to go home I’m going to stand at the table with my mouth open and jam in as much as I can, because I know He’ll never cut me off.

You have given him his heart’s desire,
         And have not withheld the request of his lips.
Psalm 21:2 


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