The Secret Lies with Charlotte

19Until the time that his word came: the word of the LORD tried him.
Psalm 105:19 KJV

One of my favorite movies is National Treasure. I love the history, mystery, and intricate plot.
My sisters and I watched it last night, and as I watched I considered how much this movie could relate to life. If you’ve ever received a promise from the Lord (and I don’t mean just the ones in the Bible) but a promise for you and your life from Him, then you may know what I’m talking about.
There is a magnificent treasure hidden away and only one clue of its existence remains. The secret lies with Charlotte.
How often does the Lord promise us something, a treasure beyond all imagine! Yet there is only one word that links us from our present physical realm to this unseen gift. Just like the little boy Ben in the movie, when we first receive this promise, we listen in wonder at the magnificent story and our eyes are aglow with the adventure before us, but ever so quickly the voice of the seen calls out to us and tells us how laughably impossible our hope is. For who would believe such an incredible tale? We see though, that despite all opposition Ben doesn’t give up. One of the lines that hit me most in this movie came when Ben, Abigail, and Riley first arrive at Ben’s father’s house and the two begin to argue about the treasure. Ben’s father rants on about how the whole thing is just a myth, that there really is no treasure. How often have our hopes been dashed by this voice? We find ourselves struggling enough as it is and the last thing we need is a cheerleader for our doubt. Ben’s response though is the one I want to have, for after all his father had stated Ben spoke these simple yet silencing words: I refuse to believe that.
His adamant resolve led him all the way to a room deep in the ground. With great anticipation he made what he thought would be the last pushing through moment, only to be disappointed by an empty room. His promise had now died. As what often happens to the promises the Lord gives to us, they are sentenced to death until all human means of bringing them about our lost. And like Ben, it is usually in this place of loss that we are closer than we’ve ever been. It is in that moment that the first words came back, the secret lies with Charlotte. When all has died, and there seems to be nothing left to hope in will you still believe? Will you still believe that He is faithful?
35 While He was still speaking, some came from the ruler of the synagogue’s house who said, “Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any further?”
36 As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, He said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not be afraid; only believe.”
Mark 5:35-37 NKJV
In the movie the first word ever spoken about the treasure showed itself to be true in the end and they received a treasure greater than they ever could have imagined. The same is with us. In the end we will attain a treasure even greater than the fulfillment of the promise, we will attain an assurance in our soul, which can never be taken away, that the Lord is faithful and the words that he speaks, though unseen, are true. "Don't be afraid; only believe."


  1. I LOVE the quote "I refuse to believe that" I NEED to remember that and stand boldly when the lies come.
    Thanks for sharing your insights from the Lord!!
    Love, MOM


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