I Won't let You Fall

I went hiking in the foothills again today and as usual something strange happened, well actually it was something fairly common but the outcome surprised me. On my way back I rounded a hairpin corner and started down the steep incline. I’d only taken a couple steps when my right foot began to slip on some loose rocks (slipping is very common when you’re coming down hill,) I couldn’t regain myself though and began falling backward. Then halfway to the ground something strange happened, my rapid backward descent suddenly changed directions as if someone had pushed me from behind and I found myself flying forward. I quickly stuck my hands out and caught myself. I then stood up and brushed my hands off unscathed. I thanked the Lord for catching me and He gently assured me He wouldn’t let me fall.
I recently posted some about the adventure of just Being. (A Fist Full of Car Key’s) As I’ve walked this road of Being I’ve found desires in my heart that for the first time are being brought to the surface. (And I don’t mean the purging out of bad stuff, kind of surfacing) it’s the unbinding of the desires that had been bound by fear. The kind of desires that push you to the Lord’s feet in request that these things inside might come to pass.  It’s this asking that I’ve found to be much like the steep incline with loose rocks. My greatest desire is to be in the Lord’s will, to pray what He’s praying, to say what He’s saying, and to desire what He’s desiring. Not ever do I want my prayers to go unanswered because I asked amiss! I don’t want to waste any time in any fleshly endeavor! And thus my fear of falling has often times kept me from even asking.
As I hiked on from there I was reminded once again of this verse:
15 No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you. John 15:15
I love following the Lord and would make a great servant! Don’t get my heart and mind involved just tell me what to do and I’ll do it! You saved my life the least I could do is serve You! What? You want to call me friend? You want me to be involved? Is this such a safe idea?
Ask. Ask Him for the desires of your heart with great passion and a loose grip. When I finally muster up the courage to ask I generally find that one of two things happens. The desire I had was the Lord’s all the time and it eventually comes to pass or He takes me on a little scenic tour that shows me why I don’t want the thing I thought I wanted. When I come out of a trip like that it doesn’t feel like I’ve received the iron fisted “NO!” but it’s usually me who’s approaching Him with the profound suggestion that we not do that thing I asked Him for last week. Both of these are about relationship, the first is being told what the Father is saying and the second is affirmation, that the road you are on is the one you are meant to be on and you’re not left with “What if?” wonderings but strong conviction as to where you’re headed.
So we need not be afraid to ask, for when our hearts desire is His will we can have confidence that no matter what the outcome of our asking is “He won’t let us fall,”
…For all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you. 16You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you. John 15:15-16


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