The Choice

A choice. The only power we've been given is the power to choose.
We've been given the choice to follow Christ or the world. As much as we like to victimize ourselves and blame other people, the truth still remains that how we live, think, and believe is still our choice.
 On the eve of April 13th I looked out the window to see a storm rolling in. Lightening flashed and thunder rumbled announcing it's very near presents.  Rain then began to come down and that rain very quickly turned into hail of ping pong ball size. (The largest hail I've ever seen in person.) I began to worry as I looked out at my yellow truck sitting helplessly across the street and thought of my vulnerable and exposed gardens out back. I felt a panic within as I listened to the hail beating the window like hundreds of little rocks.
My 6 yr. old sister then suggested we pray and she preciously asked Jesus to make the hail stop. It was at that moment, I saw clearly and a choice was laid before me. I had absolutely no control over the storm outside but I did have a choice on how I would respond inside. I could worry and fret over the damage that was possibly being caused, yet all my mental strain was unable to tough the outcome of that storm. In that moment I chose to not worry and by the Holy Spirit’s enabling power a peace came over me.
In the end the storm left my gardens severely abused and little dents all over the hood and roof of my truck. Yet as I looked over the damage I still felt a surprising calm within myself.
 There's an old song by Scott Krippayne that says: Sometimes He calms the storm, with a whisper peace be still He can settle any sea, but it doesn't mean He will, sometimes He holds us close and lets the wind and waves go wild, sometimes He calms the storm and other times He calms His child.
 As we walk this narrow road we can be certain that there will be trials and storms in our life. Yet in these times we don't have to remain enslaved to our worries and fears. I know full well that it's not easy to choose against what seems to come so naturally! But we are not called to walk this road alone, for the One who has saved our lives from death is the same One who walks this difficult way with us. Don't be afraid to confess to Him the things that you fear and worry over. He won't club you for your honesty, but don't just be honest, allow Him to lead you into greater places of freedom. The freedom Christ purchased for you on the cross.
 What will you do? The choice is yours.


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