Journey to the Slide

Today my family and I went to an indoor park for kids. The kind that has all the blow up stuff (Like those jump castles people get for birthday parties.) Well one of the things was a short obstacle course maze that led you to a big slide at the end. Joseph wanted me to go with him so we started in and Chick (Alexis) came running over wanting to come too. I had just gone over the first climbing hurdle and knew Chick would need help. So once she came in the entrance hole I flopped up on my stomach on top of the obstacle and reached my arms down to her to pull her up. She then fussed and shook her head, not wanting my help. I knew she was going to need it but after a second refusal I just slide back down to the other side to wait, while she tried to climb up. I watched for her head to peek over the top but I never saw it, then I heard crying and I quickly jumped back up to the top to find her still stuck at the bottom. I then grabbed her under the arms and pulled her over as I had originally intended to. I calmed her down and we proceeded through the rest of the maze. At the end, right before the slide, there’s a big ladder wall you have to climb up. I got her started then let her climb up as I climbed right behind her. I knew she could make it, but if for any reason she slipped or started to fall I could catch her. After making it to the top, we slide down together with much giggling and screaming.
The road the Lord calls each of us too, is impossible on our own. Just like this maze, Chick could not do it by herself. She’d never make it to the slide; she couldn’t even make it over the first huddle by herself. The wonderful thing is the Lord doesn’t send us out alone but goes with us.

16 I will bring the blind by a way they did not know;
      I will lead them in paths they have not known.
      I will make darkness light before them,
      And crooked places straight.
      These things I will do for them,
      And not forsake them.
Isaiah 42:16

The word “Lead” in that verse means “to tread, to walk” (Strong’s) I will walk them in paths they have not known. He walks with us and He never forsakes us. After Chick refused me twice I could have just left her there and went ahead with Joseph, but I wouldn’t because I knew she needed me. When she gave up her stubbornness and cried out I was right there to lead her.
I was going to get her to the slide and wasn’t going to leave her or let her fall.
We went through that maze many times together and had so much fun when she’d let me lead her.
Following the Lord is not always easy and the road isn’t always painless. I have found myself many times, in a very challenged and grieved state, being reminded that the Lord is my comforter. I didn’t always receive this, thinking, I don’t want a comforter I just want to get out of here! Where’s my deliverer? But like the Rich Mullen’s song that says: …I’d rather fight You for something I don’t really want, than take what You give that I need.
The Comforter was my Deliverer in that moment, because He's what I needed to keep going. He’s leading me to the slide and there’s only one way to get there. He’s not being mean to me, He knows what I’ve asked Him to do and the desires of my heart and He’s going to get me there.
Chick asked me to go with her on the maze slide many times and every time, I was going to do everything I could to make sure she made it to the end.

5 You have hedged me behind and before,
         And laid Your hand upon me.
7 Where can I go from Your Spirit?
         Or where can I flee from Your presence?
9 If I take the wings of the morning,
         And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
 10 Even there Your hand shall lead me,
         And Your right hand shall hold me.
Psalm 139:5,7,9-10


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