Just for Laughs: Lunchtime!

This post is for anyone who just needs a good laugh!
In all my times of watching my lil siblings, I'm still always amazed at the fact that all you ever get done doing with kids is feeding them.
Well last week Bets and I were left in charge of making lunch for Lindsey, Joseph, and Abby. My mom and Chick (Alexis) were gone and my dad was upstairs with a broken heel.
Betsy and I discussed what we’d make, she suggested heating up some corndog balls in the oven, but I thought we should go for something a lil healthier and said we should make grilled cheese sandwiches. She agreed and we put together 5. The pan only fit 4 though, so I left mine off to the side to cook after. Once I had gotten those started, I decided I was going to have some tuna with my lunch. Bets wanted some too, so we opened a can and split it. (I like to just heat it up plain in a bowl.) I had only had a few bites of that, when it was time to change the ice packs on my dad’s foot. This is a 2 man job, so Bets and I went upstairs to do it. When we finished we started talking and then suddenly it dawned on my… I still had GRILLED CHEESE ON THE STOVE!!! I ran downstairs and arrived in the kitchen to see little trickles of smoke come out from under my bread.  I knew I should have pulled the pan off the burner, but I wasn’t gonna be gone that long, right? WRONG! I quickly flipped them over to find they were burnt! Black! Scrapping them off was a fleeting thought, throwing them away was the next best option, but I hated to waste all that bread and we didn’t have enough bread left to start over. I then took the pan over to the counter and got a great idea! I peeled all the sandwiches apart to create 2 completely burnt sandwiches and 2 good sandwiches. I gave the 2 good ones to Lindsey and Joseph and decided I’d eat the burnt ones since I made them and I could cook my sandwich for Betsy. That all sounded fine but there was still nothing for Abby to eat. Betsy then suggested making her PB&J. Good idea! She started that as I ate my burnt sandwiches, looked for the bowl of tuna I’d misplaced, and cooked Betsy's sandwich. I found my tuna and then Lindsey sweetly spoke from the table.
“I like tomato soup with my grilled cheese.”
This is one of those moments when you should really just say, “Tough pal, eat it,” but she said it so nicely that I found myself standing in the kitchen thinking, Oh, tomato soup? I wonder how you make tomato soup… fast? Betsy then broke the news to me that we didn’t have any honey roasted peanut butter, (Lil Sis’s favorite) and all we had was boring old natural (a kind in which she had a track record of NOT liking,) Betsy then quietly told me her idea, that perhaps she wouldn’t notice  if we put a lil sugar in it. I thought, go for it! And hoped that Lindsey wouldn’t notice that I had no idea how to make tomato soup fast and was going to have to fake it! I then got out a can of tomato sauce and mixed it up with some butter and spices and heated it in the microwave.  It turned out a lil thicker than tomato soup but I dished it up and hoped it would fly. Betsy's sandwich got done; I’d almost forgotten it but saved it before it was burnt.  Bets then informed me that Abby was looking funny at her sandwich but she was still eating it. Thankfully no one noticed about the tomato soup either but I was soon informed that “Mom always cuts the crust off of our sandwiches.”
I then sawed away their crust with a steak knife, glad to eat it for them, since it tasted better than my burnt sandwiches!  By the time I got back to my meal my tuna was kind of cold but I just ate it quick and finished most of the burnt sandwiches. Betsy then left to do some laundry and I was so glad when Abby finished her sandwich! I told Betsy later that we may have gotten away with the peanut butter, because she had used grape jelly instead of strawberry like my mom usually uses!
We’d made it! We’d fed 3 kids lunch!
The next day we were again assigned to lunch duty. I then approached Betsy with the profound suggestion, “Let’s just heat up a pile of corndog balls.”
I love my life! 


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