The "Package"

The other morning, one of my younger siblings was playing a computer game and they approach my mom, requesting her to go onto the internet to get them a new “Package”.
I’m not terribly familiar with this game, but apparently you can go online and download these “Packages” that contain new parts and features for the game.
Well my mom said she’d do it later because she needed to leave for an appointment right then. My sibling received this information with an “okay” and went off to play.
A while later this same sibling came to me and asked me, “How do you spell package?” I was a little confused and they explained to me that they were trying to get on to the internet to find their “Package”. I quickly went downstairs to the computer room to find that thankfully they really had no idea where the internet was and had yet to find it, not to mention they’d spelled “Package” P-A-I-G-J. I spelled package for them but it didn’t work. I had no idea how to find this thing they desired and so I simply reminded them of what my mom had said, and that she could help them later.
I left this scene with that adult shaking head feeling. I had stood right there and heard what my mom had said to them yet, because of impatience or worry they had still tried to do it themselves. You can’t really shake your head at kids for too long though before your own heart is pricked with the reality that I do this same thing all the time. I can try and make excuses and say “No my situation is different! It’s a lot harder to be an adult than a kid!” But I can’t get off the hook. I too stood right there when the Lord said he’d take care of it later. I received the response gladly but apparently when “later” didn’t come as quickly as I’d hoped I got impatient or worried and tried to do it myself.  As adults we think we’re so advanced but in the matters of the Lord we’re as ignorant as five and six year olds.
When my mom got home she went on and got the kids “Package” just as she’d said she would. My siblings attempts to meddle did not make the package come any sooner nor did it delay it any later, what it did do was waste. It wasted time they could have been playing and enjoying themselves.
How often have I wasted time meddling in something that was already taken care of. I spend my days in misery trying to make things happen because I’m impatient or afraid the Lord has forgotten. Living with little kids has taught me that if you say you’re going to do something you better do it. Unfortunately we make mistakes sometimes and forget our words or run out of time to fulfill what we’ve said, but the Lord never forgets. He never forgets His promises and He never runs out of time.
He’ll get you your “Package” just as He said He would, but until “later” comes, I want to be found enjoying the many “Package’s” He’s already gotten me.


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