To Gain Christ...

To Gain Christ…
By Shawshee
August 18th 2011

To gain Christ…
Words so easily spoken,
A thought so readily conceived,
I knew not the road I would venture,
For this prize I might receive.

To gain Christ…
I suffer the loss of all things,
Though they are counted to me as not,
There is no mourning for the ashes,
The Holy flames purging brought.

To gain Christ…
Though my thoughts forsake me,
And these eyes bring in misgiving,
I press on for the upward call,
The reason for my living

To gain Christ…
I tread upon the road of suffering,
A trail He walked down first,
I feel at times I shan’t survive,
Yet for His presence I daily thirst.

To gain Christ…
No price could be too high,
For He has stolen away my heart,
A yearning that’d never satisfy,
If this journey, I’d depart.

To gain Christ…
I weep and fight to stand,
For the situation before me looks grim,
Yet with Job I lay down my life,
To proclaim… yet will I trust Him.

To gain Christ…
I so willingly give away,
To Him who owed me nothing,
Honored that I might walk as He,
The One who gave me everything.


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