The Baby

The other day, Betsy was babysitting a couple kids from our church. One of which, was a little seven month old baby girl. Now you get a baby in a room full of girls and just about everyone wants to hold it, including me! As I held her in my arms I studied her precious face: bright sparkling eyes, tiny nose, and a sweet little mouth that ceased to stop smiling. I couldn’t help but marvel at how full of life she was, for I knew the hardships and health problems she’d already faced in her young life. Babies could seem insignificant, or dull for their lack of ability to do anything, but I wouldn’t buy that for a minute. This little girl couldn’t do anything more than kick and smile, but just her very presents the Lord used to change our hearts. Most of the time it’s not about the activities we do that touch people, it’s just our being. You may feel frustrated right now, for you’re being obedient to what the Lord has asked or working in the place He sent you and it just doesn’t seem to be making a difference, no matter how hard you try. Well let me say this, never under estimate the Lord’s power in just your very presence. From the inside we can’t always tell the effect we have, all we see is our failures, wrong thoughts, and motives,  but I must say that some of the most influencing people who ever touched my life, didn’t say anything profound to me. They simply existed next to me and the Lord used them to forever change the course of my life. You’re the Original! There has never been, there isn’t, and never will be again someone like you.
It was an honor to hold that little baby the other day, for I will never meet another person like her. She’ll be moving soon, and I might never see her again, but the change that took place in those few minutes that she rest in my arms will remain with me for the rest of my life.


  1. Thanks for posting, that's really encouraging :) I also love the fact that your family has nick-names and that you posted the pictures of each on your blog.


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