When Shawsh is in Charge

When Shawsh is in charge you get to do some kind of off the wall stuff! Why? I'm not really sure... but some how I always end up doing things that make me wonder, "Is this a good idea?" (-: 

Chick(Alexis) and Abby eating honey.
(Okay! Maybe I'm a soft touch! But you try and resist Abby's sweet voice asking, "Honey? Not?")

Okay, but we're going to wear bibs. 

Hmmm... why do they make bibs so short?

Honey hair-doo, I gave them each a spoonful and thought,
"Oh boy... if that gets in their hair," So I pulled it back a little further just to be safe. 

"More Honey?" 
Okay, two spoonfuls and then that's it! (Now there's puttin' your foot down! (-: ) 

Joseph and Lindsey new nothing of the honey for their treat was racing cars on the Play Station 2. 

Well sticky honey calls for a wash cloth. 
(Actually I gave them these right after putting their hair up. For some reason I could envision their sticky hands rubbing their heads!) 

They're still at it!

I guess that honey was stickier than I thought! (-; (Note: Abby's Superman bib!)

When Shawsh is in charge a sweet request and a cute smile goes a long ways. (-: 


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