At Least I didn't get my Shoe Wet

Hey! This is for everyone who heard about this story but never got to "see" it! (-: 
So Betsy and I went for a drive up the river last week. I have to say there's something about water that I LOVE! I've always loved water. As a little girl we'd take a family trip to a lake or river and I just couldn't stay away. I had to get as close as I could or rock hop so I could stand in the river. Because of this compelling fascination I remember more than once riding home with a wet shoe! 
Well... somethings never change. 
Here I am! Rock hopping in the river! 
(I wanted to get an upstream picture)

It was overcast and rainy. 
Hanging cloud weather always makes me feel like I'm in the mountains of China!
Okay, so maybe China doesn't look like this but it did on that movie The Amazing Panda Adventure
(Yep, I grew up in the Free Willy save the animals era! (-: ) 

One lone missionary scaling the mountains of China to share the gospel with the unreachable. (Or it could be Bets standing on the edge of a river in the U.S. (-: )

I loved these water droplets! There so perfectly round.

This always happens! You're out in nature, feeling like you're miles from civilization... and then you find a shoe in the bushes! Not only does it spoil this romantic back to nature moment it also distracts your thinking because you have to wonder.. How? How do you lose a shoe 

I thought the water on this plant looked like ice crystals.

Okay, we regained our nature moment. (-: 

I know what you're thinking? This spoils the nature moment! And why on earth would you want a picture of this? You have to understand, I stopped just for this! To take a picture!Because come on... doesn't it remind you of a secret bunker that would have been left over from the Cold War!!! <-: (Yes, I admit it, I am one of those History Nuts buffs.) 

Since I was stopped anyway, I thought I'd take a picture of my car, so it could look like one of those car magazines!
"The Ford Explorer, It can handle even the toughest of terrain!"
(Like the mountains of China, secret soviet back roads that lead to hidden bunkers...) 

Okay... so... I know we were sort of having this nature moment...But Betsy felt she needed to send a text! And the service was sketchy at best, ("Best" being upside down out the window! No I wasn't driving! We were parked, and I was laughing.) 

Narrow is the way, and there are few who find it.

Betsy did a little rock hopping too.

Wow! Shawsh in the middle of the river!
You're so surprised aren't you?

That doesn't look like I'm going to make it.

I did!

Don't be deceived by that cute smile, the water 
was FREEZING! I was smiling on the outside 
but on the inside I was thinking.

I thought Besty was better at covering up
the freezing pain.

After our feet and legs got numb
we could do more traveling! (-: 

I love this picture! She looks like she's
walking on water!

Whoa! This looks like I'm going to fall in!

This face looks like I was thinking: 
"That was a close one." 

Oh, never mind! I fell in when the camera wasn't looking!
But on the ride home, my shoes were dry! 
(I can't say the same for my pants though!) 
Oh! these water pictures remind me!
I was teaching the kids a Bible lesson the other day about Elijah and Elisha.
Well at one point in the story Elijah hits the water with his coat and the river parts
so that the two can cross on dry land. Well Lindsey and Joseph thought that was 
great and said so me, "You should do that."
After the story we watched the same lesson on a Bible video. When it got to the 
water parting part, Elijah began to pray before he hit the water with his coat and the
kids turned to me and said, "That's what you need to say." 
I looked at them and asked, "When I part the water?"
They replied "Yeah."
So I'll have to try and remember that for the next time
I go to the river! 


  1. lol that sounds like a classic Lady and Shawsh trip :-) Somebody has to get wet! Thanks for letting me "see" the trip!

    Big Sis


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