This is What You're Doing

It’s like I’m

Seeing for the first time like you
Opened my eyes to show me 
Everything I missed before

How many years

Did you plan this moment here?
To show me how you love me

I am ever amazed by the Father’s Love, a Love that no words could ever possibly describe, a Love I spend writing blogs and books about because it’s far too precious to leave unspoken. Yet He never ceases to show me more. To show me there’s no limit to His Love.
A little under a year ago, a woman at my church gave an announcement. A family she knew was adopting a little girl and they were trying to raise money for the adoption by having a sale and BBQ. The Lord burdened my heart to pray for this little girl and her family. I didn’t know them but I began emailing the soon-to-be mom as I prayed for them. I was so excited to be able to support and encourage them through prayer like only a handful of people had ever done for my family. I’d get so excited every time she’d email me an update on their progress and I could pray specifically for their needs. Recently they finally got to go bring their little girl home and even though I’d still never met them, I was thrilled. In my imagination I could picture them together and was so delighted that another precious treasure had come Home.
We don’t have to know people to pray for them. And a lot of times we don’t get to “see” what unfolds in the lives of the children and people we are burdened to pray for.
Because of my parents adopting, I have been made aware of all the waiting children there are and have seen so many precious faces. I have prayed for several of these children that they would get a Home. And I have seen my prayers answered with bitter sweetness, for I’m so thrilled that they are going Home, but I also know that my job is complete and that I don’t get to “see” what will become of them and their family. Most of the time we don’t ever “see” the impact our obedience to the Lord makes in the lives of others. We don’t know the effect we have on people. I have come to know this fact and have been seeking the Lord that I may “see” as He sees. So that I will find my delight in simply being obedient and I can then have joy even when I don’t “see” success or results (as I think I should) in the things I do, or don't get to know what becomes of a child or person I've prayed for.Yet just about the time you have entered in to be obedient, with all joy, despite what happens… He out does you! He does let you “see”, and that one glimpse makes up for every time you didn't.
On Saturday I was having a book signing and it was very slow. I had been sitting there for four and a half hours and hadn’t sold a thing. But I was okay with that, for I knew that the Lord was very likely doing more with me there than just selling books. (Even though I couldn’t “see” it.)
To my surprise, a woman came into the store very interested in what I was doing, (most people were avoiding me.) and she sounded very interested in buying but she needed to find one other thing first, so she disappeared to the back of the store. I was starting to feel a little excited that I might make a sale. Then I looked up to see a couple coming in with their beautiful little girl walking between them as they held her hands. Suddenly I realized it was them. The couple I’d never met but had been praying for, for almost a year. (I had seen a picture of them so I knew what they looked like!) I of course jumped up and gave the lady a hug before we returned to my table and in that surreal moment I sat and held their daughters hand as she admired my bracelets and spoke sweet words that none of us could understand. This little girl, who had once just been a smile on my face and a late night prayer in my heart, was standing before me. I got to “see” what He sees. This is what you’re doing. Holding her hand was like holding the hand of every child I ever prayed for and will pray for. This is what you’re doing.
I’ve been dwelling upon the verse lately:

And let us not grow weary while doing good,
 for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
Galatians 6:9

Every moment of your life is being used for something, not just the seemingly spiritual moments but every moment. When we walk in obedience not a minute of our life is wasted. This family I had supported in prayer, but after they left that other interested lady came back and bought a book. What had I done for her? I sat at her house for half a day waiting to putty nail holes. My dad and I had adjusted three of the doors in her house because they were hitting on their new floors and wouldn’t close. I didn’t realize who it was until she’d left, but even something as basic as doing my job the Lord used.
Never underestimate your life and the impact you are having. Seek the Lord’s heart that you may find delight in simply being obedient and I don’t have to tell you to never forget; for you won’t ever forget the moments, He lets you “see”.

It’s like I’m

Seeing for the first time like you
Opened my eyes to show me 
Everything I missed before

And I want more
More of You

Seeing for the First Time - Britt Nicole
Picture: Updated photo of John


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