A Night at the Amusement Park

There’s a curious phenomenon. How can you take kids, outside in the heat for physical exertion and they come in more energized?
Well that’s what happened tonight, the kids spent the afternoon in their little pools and they still came in running! They couldn’t hold still as my mom got their pj’s on and brushed their hair. Then when they were done, Alexis and Abby picked up a piece of yarn and started running around the house screaming! I was reheating leftovers in the kitchen as they passed back and forth and couldn’t help but think, this sounds just like an amusement park. (-: You know, when you walk under the rollercoaster. Then I looked out into the living room to see my dad falling asleep on the couch!
My bedroom is under the playroom and so for the most part I don’t even notice all the banging and crashing overhead while I write my books. (It is always fun when my parents visit my room because they are always surprised by the noise level! “Oh, that? I don’t even notice anymore,”) I do have a harder time sleeping through the noise though.
The other day I got back from my long hike and no one was home. I was tired so I went to my room for a short nap. I was dozing off a little when my mom returned with the kids. It was then that I heard the familiar grinding growl of toy race cars getting ready for the “Big Race”. I couldn’t be annoyed though, as I listened to Joseph’s cute voice carrying through the floor as he counted off the start. Then I heard them take off across the Duraceramic tiles while Joseph added the sound of them speeding by with his “Zoo, zoo, zoo!” I smiled as I listened and thought, this is what it must be like to live under a racetrack.
There are two responses that can come from these kinds of situations. Annoyance or entertainment. Sure there are some days when the chaos here is a little over stimulating for me, but most of the time I find it very entertaining.
Before the little kids came home, our house was very quiet and orderly, now it thunders with life and I wouldn’t want it any other way. For life would be very dull if Lindsey wasn’t here asking me how to spell words for her dance class signs that she wants to hang all over the house, or if Alexis wasn’t showing me all the pictures she made for Jesus, or if Abby wasn’t asking me if we could do a Bible lesson and “color picture, markers?” or if Joseph wasn’t calling me out to the living room to see the replay of his NASCAR race crashes. Not to mention this blog would be very boring!
Thank you Lindsey, Joseph, Alexis, and Abby for making life so much more fun! And I’m sure when John comes home; the night at the amusement park will be that much better! 


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