
A week or so ago we were working at a middle aged couples house and every morning the man would pick up his briefcase and say to his wife.
 “Well, I’m off to save the world!” Then he’d leave the house with a spring in his step and smile on his face. The first day he did it I thought he was just being funny, but when he said it again the second day a question probed my heart. Why don’t you say that when you leave the house in the morning? I couldn’t answer and the question pointed in deeper, Why don’t you believe that when you wake up in the morning?
Now this man was a professor and a researcher and probably did save the world to some degree by the discoveries he made, but what about me? The Savior of the world lives inside of me!
Just the other day we went to do a job for a different middle aged couple. They were nice but the first thing the man said to us after we had discussed the logistics of the job was.
“Did you watch the news this morning?” Then he proceeded to tell us about the horrible thing that had happened. I slipped out to the truck to try and miss the details and wondered why anyone would want to think about and talk about such awful things. Later on these two situations began to mix. Apparently the second man gets up every morning and turns on the news to see what is happening and then he speaks what he sees. How often do I do that? How often do I get up in the morning and think about my life and all the things that aren’t right, all the failures, and all the things I can’t see. Then I go about and speak it, I listen to myself all day long declaring the hopelessness of man. And then at night I wonder why I can’t seem to overcome my fears.
What if? What if I got up in the morning and I didn’t turn my mind onto the news of my life. What if instead I tuned in to the Savior in my heart? And what if He opened my eyes to see that every little thing I do in obedience is presenting an opportunity for salvation. Every word I speak, every attitude, every action. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing, but why I’m doing it.
Now this isn’t some kind of heavy burden we must lay on our shoulders every time we climb out of bed in the morning. Not at all. We can’t do this of ourselves, but our words do tell us something.

…For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
Matthew 12:34

Lord Jesus, cleanse my heart and my mind that the abundance in me would be Your truth! So that I can wake up in the morning rejoicing, because I am not limited as man is limited!

Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things,
And revive me in Your way.
Psalm 119:37

The first man didn’t declare what he saw… he declared what he was going to see. Saving the world doesn’t always never looks like you think it would. Remember Jesus’ life? Exactly! And we think our existence is somehow going to go smoother! We can't watch the news of our life and expect to have peace. We must daily choose to fill up on His Truth, so that our hearts will overflow and it will come spilling out of our mouths. 

Jesus stood in the entryway of heaven and pulled on His coat and joyfully popped His hat on His head as He prepared to leave for earth so that He could be born as a baby. With hand on the door nob He turned to look back as His Father on the throne and spoke, "Well I'm off to save the world!" 


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