Than Live to Die

And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
Matthew 10:38-39
One afternoon, Betsy and I were cleaning through some old books and stumbled upon a Bible study book that we had gone through with Allison and my mom at least 10 years ago! After having a good laugh at our love of highlighting! (Yes the whole chapter is highlighted because it ALL moved me! And highlighter with underlined pen! Now that REALLY moved me!)
Then we discovered the prayer requests we had written down at the end of each chapter. Oh boy! If we laughed at the highlighter you've got to know we really laughed at this part!
Now you can sit and kick yourself for being so pathetic in the past or you can just be thankful the Lord rescued you from that sorry place and move on!
On this occasion we just laughed when we discovered that the number one prayer request of she and I was that we would have "fun" in life. "Oh Lord! You've to help me! I just want to have fun!" You know I honestly wonder if the Lord really keeps a straight face when we ask for some of the things we ask for!
When Betsy and I stopped laughing, we had to sit back and consider the joy we both have in our lives. We are both adults, with full time jobs, and many other responsibilities, but neither of us would ever want to go back to the "fun" ignorant days of childhood.
Today, I went to work and then after supper I helped my mom mow the lawn. As I trimmed the grass I considered how I would have despised such a work filled day when I was in high school (back when I wanted to have fun!) But today I enjoyed it. I love being in a big family and I enjoy doing my part.
Many people spend their days trying to have "fun". Our society strives to do nothing, thinking that he that doesn't have to work has attained the greatest prize. They find their life, but in reality they are losing it.
I lost that life that wanted to have "fun". And I found a life where "fun" is too insignificant of a word to even be included in my vocabulary.
Tonight, in my sweaty work clothes, I walked by someone having "fun." And to tell you the truth, it didn't look very fun.
I'd much rather be working,
I'd much rather be needed,
I'd much rather be useful,
I'd much rather be ready,
I'd much rather be His,
Because I'd much rather die to live... than live to die.



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