Don't Flinch

The other day my parents told me how Lindsey had spotted a spider in the girls’ room the other night.
It was above Lindsey’s top bunk bed and she was supposed to squish it with the tissue. She flinched and the spider fell down out of sight still very alive.
Sadly this story was all too familiar! Last fall I was all cuddled up in bed when a bug touched my chin. I reflexively brushed it away and then realized I had no idea what it was. I sat up, turned on the light and got a tissue. I didn’t see it. I flipped back the covers and I saw the brown bug, but in my panic I threw it out of the bed onto the floor. I jumped down to crush it, but boy could that thing run! And before I had the chance to kill it, it slipped up under the wall. I flinched and now I didn’t know where it was or what it was.
This story about my sister got me to thinking about the scripture.

…bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 2 Corinthians 10:5

This story poked at my heart, how many times do I flinch in my mind? I see that thought and instead of crushing it at the first chance I get… I flinch.
It’s a lot easier to crush a spider or thought, the first chance you get. It doesn’t mean you won’t get a second chance, but it’s a lot harder.
The day after my bug in the bed incident I took everything out of my room, except the heavy stuff and sprayed around the walls for spiders. It was a lot of work!
It’s a lot easier to refuse entry to a thought than it is to kick him out after he’s come in and sat down.
I always remember the Taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ part but there is a lot more to that verse.

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,
casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
2 Corinthians 10:4-6

That fear, that lie, that worrying thought, is trying to exalt itself against the knowledge of God!!! We have the power through the Holy Spirit to take that thought captive! Without flinching.
But what if those thoughts just keep coming and coming and coming!?
This year, I didn’t wait for the bug to get into my bed; instead I sprayed my room for spiders before I ever saw one!
Meditate on the Truth ALWAYS! You don’t have to wait for trouble before you start thinking about the Lord’s promises. Listen to the Word, read the Word, and in doing so you will come to know Him, to trust Him, and you will be able to see those spiders (or thoughts) for what they really are. Tiny bugs, though creepy looking, they are actually very frail in structure.
We study the Word so that we can know Him, because when we know Him, we trust Him, and when we trust Him, we don’t flinch in His Truth.
That night in the girls’ room, Alexis woke up by the light coming on and the spider commotion. In her sleepy imagination she began to ramble about how she’d heard the spider sneeze, and how she was hot because her blanket was on her head and then she pointed out and said “There’s the spider” before continuing to ramble. My parents looked and indeed there it was. The spider hanging underneath Lindsey’s bed over top of Alexis’ bed and they got it that time.
As I grow in my relationship with the Lord, I find greater confidence in who He is and the Holy Spirit’s working power in me.
No longer do we need to flinch when we say: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Instead we can point our finger with confidence and say: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! There’s the spider! Take it captive to the obedience of Christ!
So the next time a thought comes knocking at the door of your mind, remember the spider. And remember, DON’T FLINCH!


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