Someone Cared

Have you ever worked hard to build or make something? You had a vision for it and you labored to complete it?
This morning we discovered that my truck had been vandalized. I didn't get angry or upset, but took it all in stride. Yet tonight I noticed another spot on the truck that had been damaged and I finally felt frustrated.
As I sat in my dark bedroom with the Lord, I knew that my frustration wasn't about the car so much as it was the thought of how someone could be so disregarding. They didn't care about the work we've put into the vehicle, or the vision we have for it. They didn't care.
Then I began to think about the Lord, and how He creates us. Has a vision for us, and yet people don't care.
They destroy their lives and other peoples lives without a second thought, because they don't care.
On my blog site Pages for the Dark Horses, I advocate for a lot of orphans, and one of the most heart breaking things for me is, how someone could abuse and abandon their child.
They don't care about what He so specifically handmade. They don't care about the vision He has for that child.
Tonight, I was in the garage, cleaning broken glass from my truck, when I heard my siblings excitedly shouting inside. I knew something good had happened, and suddenly the garage door burst open as Lindsey stepped out. She held up a piece of paper with a tiny little picture on it and announced, "Min has a family!!!"
Min, is a little orphan girl, I've been advocating for on my blog site Pages for the Dark Horses. We have been praying for her for a long time and tonight we rejoiced to see the answer to our prayers!!!
I was delighted!
After she left, the Lord spoke to my heart. "Someone cared." I smiled. 
We had all cared about this special little girl He had woven together. We all cared about the vision He has for her life. When others didn't care... we cared.
When no one cared about us, He cared. He gave His life for yours, and mine, and Min's...
Because unlike my truck that will one day rot away, our lives will last for eternity. And He cares about where we spend it today and forever.


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