A Salute to Those Who Stayed with the Stuff

...But as his part is who goes down to the battle, so shall his part be who stays by the supplies; they shall share alike."
1 Samuel 30:24

My parents have been to China 4 times. I have never gone. 
The other day a lady asked Betsy and I about our dad paying us to stay home with the children when he and my mom traveled to China. I was a bit surprised and Betsy and I informed her that they don't pay us anything to stay home with the children.
In 1 Samuel 30 David and his men return home to find all their wives and children had been taken away captive and their city burned. 
The Bible says David and the people with him lifted up their voices until they had no more power to weep.
Now David inquired of the Lord if they should go after the troop that had done this thing and the Lord assured him that they would overtake them and recover all.
David and the men pursued the Amelekites until the Brook Besor, it was there that 200 men stayed behind with the stuff for weariness and the others continued on.
When all was recovered David and his men returned to the 200, but those who had gone to the battle didn't want to share the spoils with the 200 that had stayed. But David declared:

...as his part is who goes down to the battle,
so shall his part be who stays by the supplies; they shall share alike."

The Lord has called people to go, and He has called people to stay with the stuff. 
I found it odd, that the name of the brook, "Beson" means: Cheerful. 

So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7

I want to go to China someday and adopt children of my own. I'm excited! I'm willing! And I'm ready to go! But at this time, the Lord has called me and asked me, "Will you stay with the stuff? Will you take the lowest place, and faithfully serve those who I am calling to go? Though you long to go, will you wash their feet first?"
I don't get paid to stay home with my siblings... But as his part is who goes down to the battle, so shall his part be who stays by the supplies.
I have accepted my place with the stuff, and I give cheerfully, because I have come to understand that those who stay and pray are just as valuable as those who go. 
This post was inspired by a David Wilkerson sermon I listened to called A Salute to Those Who Stayed with the Stuff.
At the end of his sermon, Mr. Wilkerson shared that his wife often felt she didn't have anything to give to the Lord. 
Tears came to my eyes when Mr. Wilkerson said to her: In the end, when I stand before the Lord, and they recount all the gang members saved, drug attics and prostitutes freed, they will call you to come and stand with me... She will get the same reward for staying with the stuff as he did in going! 
Billy Graham has often said the greatest Christian he knew, was his wife. These men and many others could have never gone and done all the Lord had called them to, if their wives had not stayed with the stuff.
 I don't need payment for what I do, because to me, it's an honor to stay with the supplies. 
I suppose in heaven I will get my reward, but the reality is, I think I'm getting my reward today. Seeing my five siblings loving the Lord and wanting to serve Him is payment enough to stay home with the stuff.


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