Following the Leader

The other day I was watching all six of my younger siblings and I decided to take them out to the store. I needed to print some pictures and pick up a few things, so when we got to the store I put John and Aaron in the cart. Abby wanted to ride as well, so I had three in and three out.
Well we clogged up aisles and got dirty looks from some of the other shoppers who were having a hard time passing us. (-: Others smiled at us enjoying the sight of 6 kids having fun.
When I finished getting my groceries I had some time to burn since my pictures weren't done yet, so I went to an empty clothing department at the back of the store.
I parked the cart and looked for sweatshirts while John practiced taking pairs of pants on and off the racks. Joseph and Alexis were chattering away in some imaginary game and for a moment I got lost in my own thoughts. Suddenly playful squealing drew me back and I realized Joseph and Alexis' game had gone mobile! And as they ran circles through the department I called to them in one of those scolding someone in the library tones and said "No! No! This is a store, we are not going to run around." They came to me and I finished by telling them if they couldn't control themselves they would have to walk in a line behind me. I wasn't sure what would happen since they still had those wild giggly smiles on their faces, but I pressed on.
Next thing I knew, they were following behind me. Then to take my instructions to the extreme, Alexis took a hold of the pockets on the back of my pants.
She went with me forward, backward, sideways, not letting go until we were back at the van in the parking lot.
The whole trip was fairly amusing!
With this scene fresh in my mind I wonder, is that how I follow the Lord?
Admittedly I so often find myself not following right behind Him, but circling Him. Afraid I might miss something, I run around trying to keep track of everything He's doing or might do.
Time is then wasted in thinking about things that may never happen, answering questions that may never get asked, and looking for solutions to problems that may never arise!
But what if I followed like Alexis followed me? What if I hung solely onto Him and not all the plans He might have?
Alexis didn't miss a single move I made. Through the aisles, down the checkout, across the parking lot, I could feel her hanging on and I smiled. She was right with me. And she wasn't miserable for I could hear her giggles and laughter behind me the whole time.
Whether it's our own expectations, what the Lord has said to us, or desires in our hearts, it's easy find ourselves thinking we know what's going to happen. And before too long we take this assumed knowledge and try to figure out how it will work.

And he left all, rose up, and followed Him.
Luke 5:28

I love this verse! Jesus had called Levi to come and follow Him and before Levi even moved it says "he left all". 
It was a choice. He left all he thought his life would be to follow Jesus. And he NEVER could have imagined what was in-store for him! Yet despite all the things Levi took part in, saw, and did in his lifetime, he had something far greater to show in the end than accomplishments. 
Jesus is the whole point! I want to be right where He is ALL the time! When people look at my life I don't want them to see what I do, I want them to see who I'm with.
So it's time to stop running around, let go of the plans, and take a hold of His pockets. To follow right behind Him with the giggly freedom of a child. A child who's not worried about where they're going or not going, because they completely trust the One who's leading them.

"If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me him My Father will honor.
John 12:26


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