New Release! In His Hands (book 7) is Now Available!

In His Hands
(Book 7)

Will this be their last Christmas together?
With war on the horizon, the Cooper family prepares for another Christmas not knowing what the future holds for them.
Ten-year-old Emma tries to forget the war, but when David and Shana arrive from Germany, she is forced to face her fears and in an unusual turn of events sees what it really means to be, In His Hands. 

Lesson's Learned in this story:
In this story Emma Cooper learns to trust the Lord with everything! From world wars, to if she'll be able to attend the Christmas Eve service at church. She witnesses the Lord take care of school bullies, skeptical social workers, and even a brokenhearted friend.
Filled with the simpleness of daily life and Cooper humor, this book encourages it's reader to put their trust in the Lord who holds everything in His hands.
As with all the books in this series, Dr. and Mrs. Cooper are actively present in this story to bring words of truth and direction to Emma and their other children, as they ever point them toward the Lord.
If you would like to know more about this story and if it would be a good read for your child please email me your questions at: Contact Us!

The Price: $12.99
At this time the profit from the sale of this book will be given to a Christian family who is in the process of bringing home their son from China through the miracle of adoption!

Ordering and other Books:
To order your copy of book 7 you can either go to our blogsite: RachelPetersonsbooks and order securely through Paypal.

To learn about other books in this series and what's to come please visit: 


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