Because of the Cup that Did Not Pass

He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed saying, "O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will."
Matthew 26:39

That was Jesus prayer in the garden of Gethsemane shortly before He would go to the cross. This scene is depicted in paintings with that glowing heavenly spotlight as these humble and honorable words flow from the lips of Christ. That's how we come to see it. Jesus was perfect and thus everything was easy for Him. Right?

I think it was dark, VERY dark as he knelt there in Gethsemane. And as easily as we read those words I don't think it came that easy for Him to speak them. The Bible says: And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground. (Luke 22:44)
When's the last time you sweat blood? Jesus was perfect! He owed nothing. He could have stood up at that moment and walked away from all of us. Why didn't He? Why?
Because He would not disobey His Father. Though it meant death on the cross, He would obey.

There's this funny notion that goes around in Christianity that says if you're a good little boy and girl things will go easy for you. 

"Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him.
John 13:16

People don't like to hear about sweating blood and going to the cross. That was nice for Jesus to do, but not for them. But what if the cup had passed? Where would you be? 
There would be no blood to sweat or cross to bear, because there would be no Father to disobey, only your sin to pay. The wages of sin is death. (Romans 6:23)
You can't escape it. No matter what people try and sell themselves they're going to spend their lives. You can either spend it paying for your sin, or you can allow Christ to cover your debt so you can spend it on someone else.

I rejoice everyday to live, so thankful the cup did not pass from Him!!! And I am so thankful that the cup did not pass from me. 
I recently taught a Bible lesson to my siblings about Matthew 26:39. I taught them about the cost of love and how they too have endured the cross for the joy set before them. Adoption is not a rosy journey, it's a battle for a life, for an eternity, and someone has to be willing to pay the price for that life. For each sibling they paid the price for, we hung up a picture of them together below their heart. (see above picture). Each of them allowed the Lord to use their life to bring their little sibling home where they could find Jesus. 

Some day you may find yourself in your own garden of Gethsemane, sweating blood as you pray in agony for this cup to pass from you. But you will finish that prayer with "not as I will, but as You will." not because it's the cliche thing to say, but because you know, you know what happens when the cup does not pass. 

Though she knew what love would cost...

Do you know what happens when the cup does not pass? Look at your life. Because that cup did not pass you can have a life! 
I don't think it was easy for Jesus to bear the cross, but I know the choice of whether to go or not, was simple. Your life was worth it, no matter the cost. He would pay anything to have you home with Him.
So don't worry good little boys and girls if the garden is dark, and you feel the agony in obedience. You're not in the wrong place, and you're not alone. The One who led you there knows how you feel, and He knows the joy and life that is coming!


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