You are Good

Pain is something man has been trying to rid himself of from the first moment it appeared. Yet even with all of our most medical advancements there is nothing that can take pain away. Medication can temporally dull it, or make the body not feel it for a time, but it always comes back.
Until it's run it course in a physical sense or has been walked through in an emotional sense, pain remains until it's completed it work.

Steven Curtis Chapman has a new cd a worship album called Worship and Believe. (I LOVE it!) There's a quiet little song that sounds kind of sad called Hallelujah, You are Good. At first I skipped this song, I wanted to get to the next one More than Conquerors! Amen!
Well this last week I started to listen to Hallelujah, You are Good, over and over again in the car. The first part sounded sad but the second part really moved me. Matt Maher and Steven Curtis Chapman sing Hallelujah together at the end of the song and then Mr. Chapman sings parts of Psalm 34:8 in between the Hallelujahs.

O taste and see that the LORD is good:
blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.

Most people know the great loss the Chapman family has gone through, so to listen to him sing out:

I have tasted
I have seen it!
Hallelujah, You are good.

I remember
I believe it!
Hallelujah, You are good.

As I listened I didn't even feel worthy to sing. Mr. Chapman didn't write this song about a nice verse, he wrote and sings this song because Psalm 34:8 has become a part of who he is. When he declares those things there's weight to his words, because he first declared those words when his day was not so bright as it is now.

Tonight I woke up unable to sleep because of a "thorn in the flesh." I cried out to the Lord for relief and He reminded me of this song. I turned it on and for the first time began to sing it. 

We are standing in between hope and despair
Believing in Your grace and the faith to declare
You are with us.

Hallelujah, You are good.

In the ashes and the dust,
The sorrow and pain,
Lies the promise of Your word,
and the power of Your name.
You are with us

Hallelujah, You are good.

And when faith gives way to fear
I will trust Your heart, I will trust Your heart
When I cannot feel You near
I will trust Your heart, I will trust Your heart.

There's a message being written with the morning sun
And a new song for the broken,
Death is lost, love is won
You are with us!
Hallelujah, You are good!

Hallelujah, hallelujay,
Hallelujay, You are good

Hallelujah, (I have tasted)
Hallelujah (I have seen it)
Hallelujah, You are good.

Hallelujah (I remember)
Hallelujah (I believe it)
Hallelujah, You are good.

Hallelujah (Hallelujah)
Hallelujah, You are good.

Satan told the Lord that Job only loved Him because He blessed Job. He said that if the Lord stopped blessing Job, Job would curse Him. We all know that didn't happen. Job never cursed God even though he found himself in one of the most painful places a person can be in, the place of not understanding.

When you're in that place of pain and suffering and you can't understand why, what will you declare?


These words will become a part of you, your weakness will become your strength. I like the idea of being "Untouchable" by the enemy.But I never knew that pain was what would bring there. If in my pain and lack of understanding I will not curse God, than the enemy cannot touch me. 
Job had everything taken away, but he was untouchable because he would not let go of the belief that THE LORD IS GOOD! 

In peaceful beautiful moments I have seen the Lord,
but in dark and painful sorrow I have known Him.

The pain I so wanted to avoid,
the pain I pleaded to have taken away,
has turned into treasures I wouldn't trade for all the riches in the world.
I still can't understand why there must be these sufferings.
But it is by them that Psalm 34:8 has become a part of who I am, and the reason I can declare to you tonight.



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