A Piece of Grass

The other night my dad took my 3 year old brother's hand and started up the stairs to get him ready for bed. A few steps up they stopped, noticing something small and green laying on the stair. My dad casually told my brother to pick it up. I watched for a moment as a strange silence followed. My little brother reached out for it, but wasn't picking it up. I didn't know what was going on until I saw his troubled face. Soon he started to cry in distress still seeming to be unable to pick up the little green object. My dad told him repeatedly to pick it up and that it wouldn't hurt him. It was just a piece of grass. Still my brother struggled, reaching out his hand but stopping just short. He was terrified despite my father's reassurance. 
Finally he picked up the piece of grass and they walked over to the garbage to throw it away. As my dad wiped my little brother's face off with a tissue, he pointed out the fact that the grass hadn't hurt him just like he'd said. And reminded my brother that he would take care of him. 

As an adult I like to think that my life's problems are large and complicated. Of course I struggle because I have real issues in my life that are very frightening... 

That night as I watched my little brother I realized the truth. I'm just like him, a 3 year old child holding to my Father's hand crying in panic over a piece of grass. What was my brother afraid of? The unknown. The same thing I cry in panic over. 

"But I don't know where we're going Lord! I don't know what to do! I don't know what You have planned!" 

And all He's asking me to do is reach out my hand and pick up that unknown little piece of grass, trusting He will take care of me, trusting He won't hurt me. 

Once my brother had started to panic it was much harder for him to receive what my father was telling him. Once I start to panic it's hard for me to see or hear beyond my fear. 

My dad told my little brother he can't be afraid. And neither can I. Because no matter how old I get, or how big and complicated my personal challenges seem to be, they're really just a piece of grass laying on the step.
My little brother was huge compared to that tiny piece of grass and my father towered over both of them. 
So the next time a tiny piece of grass threatens to overtake you, just look up, at the One holding your hand and listen to what He has to say.


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