
not under the control of some other person... 
-Websters Dictionary

It is that time again... Presidential Election. Political survey calls come in every evening to interrupt our daily routine, our mailbox is a little fuller as flyers show off the most displeasing picture they could find of the candidates they are against, and neighborhood streets suddenly look like freeways as front lawns are filled with so many mini-billboards telling us who to vote for.

Some people love this time, like the Olympics! Every four years they get to get all fired up, to argue and share their views. Others simply tolerate this barrage of information and are relieved when it's finally over.

Today a man wanted to get into a discussion with my sister and I over the presidential candidates. We simply smiled at his baited question that my dad gave a simple reply to. When my sister and I continued to say nothing the man knew it was a closed subject.

I avoid talking politics. I don't know much about it, but I know that whenever it comes up I just get angry, angry at the injustices and.... well I won't go into it. 
And thus perhaps it's my avoidance of the politic subject that causes me to be this way, but I don't talk about who I'm going to vote for. (outside of my family) 
To me it's a personal thing, it's a choice, I alone get to make. And who I choose is my own business. 
The newspaper, the television, survey calls, mini-billboards in front lawns, mail flyers, and even people all want to tell me their opinion, their view, their argument, but... I'm not listening. 

This vote... this one vote... is mine.
It's not under the control of some other person.
It's my freedom, I'm free to choose.
And I don't have to prove, argue, or even discuss my choice with anyone.
It's my freedom, it's my conviction, and it's my choice.

As I thought about this freedom, this freedom to vote as I choose, I thought of Christ. 
To follow Christ is a right and freedom every person has. No one has been denied this freedom nor ever will be. In some places to choose to follow Christ may mean an early death, but though man may destroy the body they cannot take away the freedom to choose. 
People will try to sway you with their opinion and view. They'll try and tell you "statistically" that the choice has already been made for you, by your parents, past, etc. They'll even try and scare you away with their propaganda. But all those voices cannot take away your freedom. It's your choice. 

This choice... this one choice... is mine!
It's not under the control of some other person.
It's my freedom, I'm free to choose.
And I don't have to prove or argue my choice with anyone.
It's my freedom, it's my conviction, and it's my choice.

In the next few weeks, when you cast your vote for President, remember, this is your vote. It doesn't matter what you've heard, what people have tried to tell you or sell you, this one vote is yours.

And the same is true with Christ. I know that a lot of people misunderstand me, misjudge me, and question me over my choice to follow Christ. The opportunity to argue and prove myself over this choice that I have made is everywhere. But I don't need to, because this choice was mine to make.
Your choice to follow Christ, was your choice. No one chose it for you, you chose it for yourself and you don't have to prove it or argue it to anyone. 
People will likely misunderstand you, misjudge you, and question you over this choice you have made, but remember, it is your freedom, and they can't take it away from you.

"And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.
"My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father's hand.
John 10:28-29


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