Reflections on a Fiddle

This morning I was reading a book and the writer was considering the nature of a fiddle.
He contemplated at how fiddles don't have eyes. Thus they need not worry about appearance and don't mind being small. He also noted that they don't have ears. That music for them is not about sound or being heard. Finally he pointed out their emptiness. Though hollowed out their very purpose is found in their emptiness. For if they were to fill themselves with anything they would no longer resonate the song of the fiddler.

As I closed the book this morning I felt as though I had just partaken in some kind of deep theological Bible class with a very off the wall instructor, yet somehow in this seemingly random reflection of his I was drawn myself to reflect upon the same.

So on my morning walk that followed I sought the Lord on this topic and He showed me His truth.
I once was a fiddle so full of my own dreams, fears, desires, and worries I could not fulfill my purpose. The song of the Fiddler could not resonate from me for my necessary emptiness had been filled by my own ambitions.
Yet ever since Dreamy Nightmares I've found myself with a glorious emptiness! As a fiddle I cannot see my appearance or audience. I cannot even hear the music that I am playing, but I can feel the Fiddler close to me. His hand holding me as His song fills this hollowed out space to overflowing.
And daily I am finding that those dreams I once filled myself with were only robbing me of the fiddles greatest joy. The Fiddler. He is my desire and He is my joy, for without a Fiddler, a fiddle has no life.


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