A Strange Way to Save the World

To think about how it could of been if Jesus had come as He'd deserved.
There would have been no Bethlehem...

 This old 4Him song is still one of my favorite Christmas songs. But as my large Christmas playlist had been shuffling over the last couple weeks I never happened to hear this song.
So one night I sat down and found it. As the lines above played I looked up at that picture of my new little brother and the song changed from a song about Jesus to a song about him.

To think of how it could have been if Matthew had come as he'd deserved...

There are a lot of Christmas songs that talk about how Jesus should have come with glory, royal robes, and crowns. But He didn't. He came as He did, a broken and humble beginning. 
If He had come as He'd deserved, there are a lot of people who would have never seen Him.

As I went to bed that night I thought more about the song. To think of how it could have been if Matthew had come as he'd deserved. There would have been no "Bethlehem" the moment I was living would have never been. My parents wouldn't have been in China at that minute and my little brother would not have been my little brother.

It's A Strange Way to Save the World, but the Lord loves to take humble beginnings and make them glorious! A million little Christmas's have happened because children didn't come as they deserved. 
I live with a complex. I ache that my little brothers and sisters have suffered such hurt as abandonment, rejection, loss, neglect, and abuse. I wish they never had to have tasted such awful things, but I don't even want to think about the emptiness I would have if they weren't here.

It's a strange way to save the world,
but if they had come as they deserved,
I would not have seen Jesus.

Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see You...
Matthew 25:37


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