Billy Graham: To See our Life

“And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’

Today Billy Graham finally got to go home to the Savior and Lord he's spent his life declaring to the world.
An inspiration to my life personally, I get a little teary at the thought of his passing, still I have to smile for I know how much he longed for this day.

No one really knows how heaven or the final judgement day works, but if we really stand before God and have all of our life recounted, I have to laugh at how long we would be listening to the life of Billy Graham! 
Yet just as this humorous image passed through my mind earlier today, the Lord posed His own image. "What if everyone's life looks like that?"

What if Billy Graham's life is the "visual" version of what we're all doing? Anyone can look at his life and know he had an impact! The crowds he preached to, the telecasts, radio programs, the travel, the ministries that flowed out from his work! You see it everywhere! 
But most of us don't have that privileged. The ability to see what we're doing, to hear the testimonies of the lives we've touched. 
Certainly there are a lot of hidden stories of lives changed in his life too, but maybe his life is the visible version of what our lives look like when we give it all to Christ and are committed to walking out the Father's will.
That's kind of hard to receive, isn't it? For Billy Graham... he was... just a man, called unto salvation in Christ just as you were.

The above photo is one of my most favorite Billy Graham photos, when he was preaching to 1.1 million people at a crusade in Seoul South Korea.
Just because you can't see their faces standing in a crowd before you, doesn't mean you didn't preach the Gospel to them with your life.

"The real story of the crusades is not in the great choirs, the thousands in attendance, nor the hundreds of inquirers who are counseled. The real story is in the changes that have taken place in the hearts and lives of people."
-Billy Graham


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