Dear Younger Me

This post is dedicated to all of my young adult friends.
You're embarking on this exciting adventure of adulthood and I humbly pray I can be an encouraging example to you.

Several weeks ago I was discussing, via email, my books latest police scene with Police Sgt. Joel. In conclusion to our discussion of options and tactics for this particular situation he said:

"Remember, we always have time and resources on our side."

My first thought after reading this line was, really?! 
I've only been studying policing for about a year now, and as a relatively new "fictional" cop, I tend to get caught up in the urgency of the moment. I agonize over those couple of minutes I have to wait for backup and though I don't want my officers to take unnecessary risks the temptation to send them in prematurely is certainly there! 

When you're in your early years of adulthood there's a similar tendency to urgency. There's this pressure we unknowingly put on ourselves to perform. There's this feeling that you need to "show" something for all your work. Whether you're going to school, working full time, pursuing a job or ministry opportunity there's this underlying feeling that you need to hurry up.

When I graduated from high school my life's plan was to get married and raise a family. So I got a full time job and waited for this to take place. As the years started to pass with no sign of a husband I began to feel the panic set in. I had NOTHING to show for my life! I'd been an adult for several years and I'd gone NOWHERE! 

Oh dear one, this isn't true. Remember, we always have time and resources on our side.
One thing I learned through out my twenties, was this: it's not about the destination, its about the journey.
I can't tell you how many times I asked the Lord, "What was that rabbit trail all about? I spent time and energy pursuing something that in the end we weren't going to do anyway. Why didn't you just tell me from the start that You didn't want to do that?" 

Why did He take me down seemingly dead end detours and off topic rabbit trails? Because this walk with the Lord is all about relationship. At the time those little adventures seemed terribly inefficient and unnecessary. I was under the impression He was looking for willing servants, why was He wasting me over here and over there? Because He's not just looking for warm bodies, He has a plan for your life, (just like all your high school and college graduation cards told you) but what they didn't tell you was, that being made ready was a lifelong process. 

Recently I had the opportunity (if I so chose) to go on a missions trip to a place I'd always wanted to go. My backup plan if marriage didn't work out was to become a single missionary. And finally, after 10 or so years, my dream was laid on the table in front of me. I should have been thrilled, but I felt hesitant. 
After a week or so of wrestling this around in my mind, I finally poured out my heart's concerns about the trip to the Lord and He showed me the crossroads I stood at. I could take this opportunity, I could have, even if just for a moment, this dream of mine, or I could pass it by and continue in His plan, the abundantly beyond all I could ask or think road. 
When I finally saw clearly the choices, the decision was easy. All those rabbit trails and detours had prepared me for this moment. They had shown me, that what I thought I wanted wasn't really what I wanted. I LOVE my life, and this mysterious road I chose to walk with Him one little obedient rabbit trail at a time. 
The Lord could be an iron fisted master who just tells you where to go and what to do, but He wants your heart. He wants you to know that the road you are on isn't just the one He picked for you, it's the one you were created for.

I try to take note of how Joel responds to my police scenes and learn from his attitude. If he's calm and confident about a situation, why shouldn't I be? Why shouldn't my characters be? He's the one with almost 30 years of policing experience.

If the Lord is approaching your life with calm confidence, than why shouldn't you? You don't have to "show" something for your life to prove you're living it well. The only Judge is the one leading you down this road and He's pleased with simple obedience.

So remember, we always have time and resources on our side.


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