What He Asked

This morning as my dad was leaving for the store, he told my little brother Ben to play big Legos while he was gone. He told him he wouldn't be gone very long and when he got back Ben could show him what he'd made.
After he left, I was working in the kitchen when I heard one of my 7 year old brothers talking with enthusiasm. "Ben! Ben! We should build a big tower! Then when Dad gets back he'll be impressed!"

This statement made me sad as I realized how much my little brother has yet to learn about our dad.

You can't impress my dad. Big and splashy doesn't turn his head, a good performance doesn't bring his praise, but I know he loves me. Whether I'm good or bad, seem to succeed or fail, he loves me just the same. Why? because I'm his child.

I am continuously grieved as I see this same lack of understanding about our Heavenly Father in my fellow brothers and sister in Christ. 
So many Christians are still spending their lives trying to "impress" their Heavenly Father with their abilities. They try and give Him what they think He wants or what others tell them He would like. 

My 7 year old brother's attempt to impress our dad turned into a lot of crashing Legos and crying as his tower smashed on the floor before Dad ever got home to see it.
But what my little brother failed to realize was that my dad never asked for a big tower. He asked Ben to play Legos until he got back. So if he came home to a big tower or a little house, it wouldn't matter, Ben's obedience is what would please him.

Our Heavenly Father desires the same thing of us. Simple obedience. Don't make something up that you think He'll like better or add to what He's asked for hoping to impress Him. Just do what He's asked, simple obedience. And unlike my dad who gave his command and went off to the store, the Lord remains with us, to be sure we have all we need from Him to do as He's asked. Not more, not less, just what He's asked.


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