What Happened?

Sometimes I simply have to laugh at myself. When I think about my last post Dr. Kimble's Choice, the daily dying it talked about, the sacrifice, living at that crisp cutting edge with the Lord, the realities of my life, yet I still trip over the most pathetic of things!

It's like being a special forces soldier, who boldly risks their life on a secret mission behind enemy lines, but then comes back home to the barracks and has an emotional melt down because they lost a boot or have a pile of dirty laundry that they never have time to wash!

The flu recently hit our home and I was sick for 2 solid weeks. I still had to work, so when I came home everything went to the wayside as resting took priority. I slept in as much as possible, and took on extra work to try and help other family members who were worse off than myself. Though I felt miserable, I had great peace. I bore no burden of the things not getting accomplished as I willing served those who needed me.

Then it happened... I started to feel better. And when I came to evaluate my normal life's activities it felt like a stack of papers someone had thrown up into the air!
The most troubling piece of this mess was the book I'm currently writing. I have been writing this book for close to a year and only a few months ago did I finally start to see it coming together! I had vision! I was excited! I wanted to write! But when I was sick my writing time was severely limited until I stopped all together. NO!!!

So one morning as I jogged around my basement, I did what the Bible says and I took this crisis to the Lord to cast my care upon Him.
As I began to express my distress about the book I jogged into my bedroom and near a folding table that I have set up, for a 1000 piece puzzle I'm building. When I passed the table, my arms swinging at my side, I accidentally punched a box of puzzle pieces sending it spilling down onto the floor.
I stopped and groaned before kneeling down to pick up the pieces. (mind you I haven't built very much of this puzzle yet!)

When I got up, the Lord asked me innocently, "What happened?"
I replied, still a little disgruntled, "I knocked the box of puzzle pieces onto the floor."
He continued with "Well what did you do?"
"I got down and picked them up," I replied simply.

He didn't need to expound, for the point was clear. My life was like a box of puzzle pieces spilled on the floor. Messy? Yes. A major crisis? No! All I needed to do was kneel down and pick up the pieces, sit and write the book again, trusting that the One who gave me peace in putting it aside would enable me to take it back up again.

The One who calls me to daily take up the cross, who sustains me in the fierce fight, is the same One who will take care of my practical and daily needs. It may not be organized in the manner I think it should be, or happen at the time I think it should, but I can have confidence He'll take care of this soldiers missing boot and pile of dirty laundry.

“Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.
Matthew 6:8


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