Let Your Little Light Shine!

One day I went to the grocery store with my mom and as we walked up through the parking lot, we saw a minivan parked right up in front with it's back door slide wide open.
No one was in the vehicle, but it was so blatant and highly visible I assumed someone had certainly brought it to the store's attention.
About 45 minutes later we came out of the store and passed the same minivan with its side door still wide open. We stopped this time and my mom tried to pull the door shut, but with today's computerized vehicles the door wouldn't budge.
I went back into the store and approached the services desk. I told the woman I wasn't sure if someone had already reported this but that there was a minivan in the parking lot with it's door open. She woman was surprised and informed me that no one had brought this to their attention. So after giving her the licence plate number she announced the situation to the shoppers so the van owner could finally know about it.

As I left I was shocked that of all the people shopping, all the people who had certainly passed that van, including me! No one had done anything to try to notify the van owner of the problem. If my minivan was sitting in a parking lot with the door wide open I hope someone would try and tell me about it!

A subtle lie has slipped into the minds of so many of us, that says: everyone knows about God and has heard the Gospel and they don't want Him. We live in a country founded on God, certainly all of these people know the truth! Do they?

This lie, weakens our desire to share what we have with others, because we think we already know what their response will be. Churches have started watering down the Truth of who Christ is because they're afraid of the rejection they're sure will come.

But the truth is, most people don't know who God really is, they don't know what Jesus has done for them, they're van door is still wide open simply because no one told them it was.

Some people will still reject God, but they deserve to know Who they're rejecting. If we're going to bother to open our mouths, we owe it to them to at least give it to them straight. If our church attendance rapidly declines than so be it, at least the ones still there will know what they chose, and will have the chance to close the door they didn't even know they had wide open to thieves.

I felt badly that I had not said something about the van after I'd first seen it, and I'm sad that I've fallen for this lie too many times in my life. But it's not too late to start. There are still lonely people out there in that darkness, who need and want the hope of the light that you carry. They would love to close that van door, they just don't know it's open.

How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?
Romans 10:14


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