
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Revelation 12:11

Before I wrote the book Echoing Thunder, I spent months studying and learning about what it was like to be blind. One man who came on board with the project, was an older gentleman who would become an instant friend. Like a fun-loving grandpa, I always enjoyed our email correspondence as he taught me about his world. 
One thing he told me about himself in one of his first emails was that he was an atheist. He didn't know I was a Christian and he didn't provide this information as some kind of a threat, it was just his bold personality. He told me his name, his political affiliation, religious convictions (or lack there of) and his life story! 
Knowing this, I never talked religion with him. I was just his friend. Then the long awaited day came and I emailed him the book in manuscript form so his computer could read it to him. 
I wondered how this professed atheist would react when he learned he'd helped a Christian write her book, that unashamedly presents the Gospel. 
His response came back simple. He said I had done a good job. 

by the word of their testimony...

My friend could deny God's existence, but he could not deny mine. The book I had written defied everything he claimed to believe, but my friendship, respect, and kindness toward him complicated the situation. What could he say?

I'd like to point out that this verse says "by the word of their testimony" not "by the word of the testimony". 


It's personal, individual. Every person has a testimony, and I'm not just talking about the moment you got saved. If my testimony was limited to that moment I had as a two-year-old asking Jesus into my life, it would be a pretty weak testimony since I don't even remember the experience. It's everything that's happened since that tells me my two-year-old confession was real.
Your testimony is your life with Christ, the experiences you've gone through with Him, the relationship that you share together. 
People may try to argue the Gospel you preach but they can't dismiss you. No matter how hostile they may seem toward you, your life, your testimony will haunt them, because they looked it right in the eyes.

the silencer of testimonies

The Enemy certainly doesn't want to be overcome, so since he couldn't get rid of the Blood of the Lamb, he's going to target the word of your testimony. 

I'm going on three decades in the church and I've seen the same devastating tragedy played out over and over again.

I'm not good enough

I don't go to the popular church, I've never been to this school or that class, I've never read those books or went on that missions trip. I've never read the whole Bible in a year or memorized the whole book of Ephesians. I don't pray for 3 hours every morning or even make it to a Sunday services every week... sound familiar? You can fill in the blanks, because the list is endless. Believers get so tripped up in religion (what they think they're supposed to be) that they miss the whole point. (I've been one of those sincere stumblers myself!)


It's not THE testimony, because we don't all have the same one! Having a personal relationship with Jesus is just as it sounds, it's PERSONAL! Your relationship with Christ is as precious and unique as He created you to be. So naturally your study of scripture, your prayer life, your quiet time with the Lord is going to look different than the believer next door. That's because your calling, and the purpose the Lord has created you for is different than what He's called anyone else to do. You may be in similar ministries, there are a lot of moms out there, but I can guarantee there are no two alike! 

There is no one else who has your testimony. So don't be afraid to have it. Don't be afraid to live it... loudly! 
Remember, they may deny God, but they have to deal with you. 

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony...


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