
“but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”
John 4:14

Over Thanksgiving I was in the hospital with an infection related to the autoimmune disease that I have. There was a chance they might have to treat the infection with surgical intervention, so I was not allowed to eat or drink for several days. 

Boy, was I thirsty!

They were giving me IV fluids so there was no way I was going to shrivel up in dehydration, but my body wasn't convinced. All I could think about was having a drink of water. It was incredible! The all consuming intensity of that thirst was like nothing I've ever experienced. 
Some people might feel a little concern over being in the hospital with an infection, the prospect of surgery... not me, all I could think about was the relief one little swallow of cool water would bring to my dry and pasty mouth.

Finally, I asked the nurse if I could swish some water in my mouth if I promised not to swallow it. To my delight she agreed to the idea! When night came she gave me a cup of ice water (pretty trusting!) and these tiny prepackaged sponges on a stick. Then I could dip the sponge in the water and run it around my mouth for a little refreshing relief. Oh, the bliss! And for about five minutes I could almost feel like I'd had a sip of water... almost.

After a couple days, the antibiotics were doing a good enough job of ridding the infection that surgery was not necessary. Still I had but one thought on my mind and the only question I had for the doctor was, "Can I have a drink of water now?" He didn't see why that should be a problem. Music to my ears! Then a short time later this beautiful straw cup of ice water came to my room. Oh, the delight! Since I hadn't eaten or drank anything in a few days I didn't want overwhelm my body, so I just sipped it. 

Oh, it was wonderful!

Every time my mouth felt just the tiniest hint of thirst, I could take another sip. It was so satisfying, so refreshing and I finally found relief.

This experience gave me new insight into the condition of the lost souls around me. To my great joy, I don't know what it's like to be spiritually thirsty. Have I had my moments of fleshly indulgence when I tried to find satisfaction in some temporary pleasures of the world, certainly. But for the last 32 years I have not been without the Living Water of Christ. 
Because of this it can be easy to look around at the state of our world and think, why are these people behaving so irrationally? They're in the middle of serious crisis and all they can think about is indulging themselves in fleeting pleasures! Have they no common sense at all?!? 
NO! They're thirsty. The infection of sin that's threatening their very existence is the last thing on their mind because of the driving thirst within them. They run little sponges of pleasure around in their mouths only to thirst again. 
As I've gone back to school I get to see first hand the thirst of todays younger generation, and my heart is grieved. They drink deep of video games, relationships, drugs, alcohol, hobbies, careers and education only to find themselves still mired down in anxiety and depression. In way of privilege and possessions they live like kings, but beneath their royal robes they are frightened orphans, desperately thirsting for the love only found in a relationship with their heavenly Father. 

Not everyone will accept the Living Water that's offered to them, but some will. 

"Father, let not our hearts grow hard to those around us because of the flagrance of their sin.
But open our eyes to see their deeper need, and to have mercy on the ones You have called Your own."

Jesus says in John 4:14 that His Living Water will become a fountain in us, spring up into everlasting life and He says in John 7:38 that those of us who believe in Him shall have rivers of Living Water flowing out from us. 
We don't just get a single cup of ice water like I did at the hospital. We are overflowing with His Living Water! We're not just "not thirsty" we're satisfied to excess! What an odd sight for our world to behold, someone who is not thirsty.

Thank you, Jesus for satisfying my thirst! 
May my excessive fullness give others the chance to taste of Your Living Water too.


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