
Showing posts from August, 2024

Lessons from a Whale

  Recently I was doing some research about why whales beach themselves. For those who are not familiar with the term beaching whale, this is when a whale or group of whales go to shore and then get stranded out of the water. Why do they do this? The Fish and Wildlife Foundation of Florida says: "The beaching of a single, live animal is usually the result of sickness or injury. Bad weather, old age, navigation errors, and hunting too close to shore also contribute to beachings." Before this research I would have thought a whale cannot be out of the water because they need to be wet. And I would be partially correct, but another factor I learned about is their weight. In water they do not have to bear their weight, but on land their weight actually crushes their organs.  They were created to live their entire lives in the ocean. They were not structurally designed to bear their own weight. “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Matthew 11

Mini Golf Mercies and Bowling Bumpers

The other day I was out playing mini golf with my mom and siblings. I had a great start and felt I was on my way to my best score yet! Then we reached a hole with a BIG hill. My sisters had struggled a little on the previous holes and we had given them "do-overs" that didn't count toward their score. It was mini golf, no one takes it that seriously... right?  Well, I could not get up that big hill. After 3 tries I finally made it feeling a little disappointed about my "best game" yet score. My group told me I didn't have to count two of those strokes. I should have been thrilled. That would put me back in the running for getting my best score yet! Instead, I felt like it wouldn't count. My great low score wouldn't "really" be true. Immediately, the Lord touched my heart with a parallel. Jesus went to the cross so I could get my "best score" ever! But would I humble myself to accept His mercy?  On another day I went bowling with my