
Showing posts from October, 2024

A Song in the Night

  Do you ever wakeup with a song playing through your head? Last night I woke up to my dog rustling around in her crate. She had a GI issue that started last week (long story) that she's still recovering from. So, I lay there and listened for a minute to see if she'd settle. When she didn't I turned on the light to find she'd had a poopy accident and was trying to bury it in the blankets.  While I cleaned out her crate and then cleaned her off there was a song playing through my head. Still, it wasn't until I had put Marlo back to bed and was finishing up the rest of the cleaning that I could actually pay enough attention to find out what song it was.  When I wake up with a song in my head it's rarely the entire song, but usually just one line. Last night it was... "My God will bring what's dead to life."   Ascent Project  Tell My Fight   Now what this repetitive line had to do with cleaning up dog poop I wasn't really sure. I said something to