
Showing posts from October, 2013

Following the Cloud

And the L ORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way... Exodus 13:21 This morning I woke before the sun and decided to go for a hike. I got an idea of the trail I was going to hike and when I reached the trail head the sun had just risen. The sky was painted pink and orange before the sun slipped up behind a thick cloud mass that stretched out overhead. I began my journey, but when I reached a height in the trail the beauty before me made me stop. A rock face up ahead was shining through the hanging cloud, declaring of the sun I could no longer see. I had planned on taking a trail that would lead down into the valley, where there is at times a quiet pool where the summer robins bathe. But the majestic mystery of the cloud changed my plans. I would follow the cloud up the mountain. As I hiked up the steep trail I began to enter the cloud that had once hung over my head. I was soon surrounded by white. I couldn't see much further than the tall pi