
Showing posts from October, 2011

I like it Fast!

Last night I got my first Lionel train set. I felt like a kid at Christmas time! I’ve always loved train sets. So a few days ago I ordered one that I could set up with my little Christmas town. I set up the track last night and tried out the train right away. I love it! Betsy and I both took turns running it, but neither of us ran it at its top speed for fear of derailing it! Well this morning word spread and Lindsey and Joseph wanted to see the new train. I was delighted to show them. I’d read in the reviews that this model was fairly sturdy and I gave them free reign to try driving it. Lindsey went first and right away she pushed the throttle up all the way. I watched with excited curiosity, wondering if it would fall off the track. It stayed on and Joseph took his turn. He too, revved it up to the max and the kids squealed with delight at how funny it looked going so fast. I was excited too, because the high speed had caused the liquid smoke I’d put in the stack to start coming

The Baby

The other day, Betsy was babysitting a couple kids from our church. One of which, was a little seven month old baby girl. Now you get a baby in a room full of girls and just about everyone wants to hold it, including me! As I held her in my arms I studied her precious face: bright sparkling eyes, tiny nose, and a sweet little mouth that ceased to stop smiling. I couldn’t help but marvel at how full of life she was, for I knew the hardships and health problems she’d already faced in her young life. Babies could seem insignificant, or dull for their lack of ability to do anything, but I wouldn’t buy that for a minute. This little girl couldn’t do anything more than kick and smile, but just her very presents the Lord used to change our hearts. Most of the time it’s not about the activities we do that touch people, it’s just our being. You may feel frustrated right now, for you’re being obedient to what the Lord has asked or working in the place He sent you and it just doesn’t seem to b