
Showing posts from May, 2017

How Disappointing

They wander up and down for food, And howl if they are not satisfied. Psalm 59:15 This verse is not one I'm very familiar with, it's not one I would pursue to find or use to describe myself but tonight I think it fits... like a ripped up old shirt you should have thrown away. (not saved away for painting projects)  Do people ever disappoint you?  What you hoped they would do or say they didn't.  Has the Lord ever disappointed you? (be honest now) He didn't come through to give you or do for you what you hoped He would. I've sure gotten disappointed. People have disappointed me the Lord has disappointed me. The word disappoint sounds very sincere, like an innocent bystander to the cruelty of this world. I must admit I have spent years of my life in fear of disappointment. Fearing that my greatest hopes will be dashed on the rocks of reality.  Well tonight I was talking to the Lord about this disappointment and wondering how a per