
Showing posts from October, 2014

Following the Leader

The other day I was watching all six of my younger siblings and I decided to take them out to the store. I needed to print some pictures and pick up a few things, so when we got to the store I put John and Aaron in the cart. Abby wanted to ride as well, so I had three in and three out. Well we clogged up aisles and got dirty looks from some of the other shoppers who were having a hard time passing us. (-: Others smiled at us enjoying the sight of 6 kids having fun. When I finished getting my groceries I had some time to burn since my pictures weren't done yet, so I went to an empty clothing department at the back of the store. I parked the cart and looked for sweatshirts while John practiced taking pairs of pants on and off the racks. Joseph and Alexis were chattering away in some imaginary game and for a moment I got lost in my own thoughts. Suddenly playful squealing drew me back and I realized Joseph and Alexis' game had gone mobile! And as they ran circles through the

There is No Restraint

...for there is  no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by few. 1 Samuel 14:6 Do you ever have those days when you just want to plug your ears, close your eyes, and sit in the corner?  On my blog, Pages for the Dark Horses, I advocate for a new orphan every week. A Dark Horse of the Week as we call them. Every week I see another little child without a home. Some of them are sick, and I am broken that they must face their illness alone. Others are emotionally broken, and my heart aches for them to find healing. And still others are asking for a home, they long for a family, and I just about can't stand it! WHERE ARE THE FAMILIES LORD?!?!  These little ones need Christ, they need a home, they need to know they are special and wanted.  You'd think that if I'm advocating then I shouldn't be so upset, you'd think that because I write novel after novel to bring a voice to orphans I'd be complete, you'd think because I have 6 adopted siblings