
Showing posts from August, 2011

Journey to the Slide

Today my family and I went to an indoor park for kids. The kind that has all the blow up stuff (Like those jump castles people get for birthday parties.) Well one of the things was a short obstacle course maze that led you to a big slide at the end. Joseph wanted me to go with him so we started in and Chick (Alexis) came running over wanting to come too. I had just gone over the first climbing hurdle and knew Chick would need help. So once she came in the entrance hole I flopped up on my stomach on top of the obstacle and reached my arms down to her to pull her up. She then fussed and shook her head, not wanting my help. I knew she was going to need it but after a second refusal I just slide back down to the other side to wait, while she tried to climb up. I watched for her head to peek over the top but I never saw it, then I heard crying and I quickly jumped back up to the top to find her still stuck at the bottom. I then grabbed her under the arms and pulled her over as I had orig

Just for Laughs: Lunchtime!

This post is for anyone who just needs a good laugh! In all my times of watching my lil siblings, I'm still always amazed at the fact that all you ever get done doing with kids is feeding them. Well last week Bets and I were left in charge of making lunch for Lindsey, Joseph, and Abby. My mom and Chick (Alexis) were gone and my dad was upstairs with a broken heel. Betsy and I discussed what we’d make, she suggested heating up some corndog balls in the oven, but I thought we should go for something a lil healthier and said we should make grilled cheese sandwiches. She agreed and we put together 5. The pan only fit 4 though, so I left mine off to the side to cook after. Once I had gotten those started, I decided I was going to have some tuna with my lunch. Bets wanted some too, so we opened a can and split it. (I like to just heat it up plain in a bowl.) I had only had a few bites of that, when it was time to change the ice packs on my dad’s foot. This is a 2 man job, so B

A Smirky Feeling

 Last Tuesday night I came down with the stomach flu. My friend expressed the way I think just about everyone feels when this happens, “…stomach flu that’s the worst” Well by Wednesday morning the worst was over but I still felt crummy. As I lay in bed that morning listening to my ipod I hit that point… you know the “moan” point. When the situation seems to just beckon for a good moan, no one’s there but that moan would really express just how you feel!   Well as I considered this moan I could have, a smirky feeling came over me and I got the greatest idea. I could moan but that would be kind of short lived, if I wanted to have a lot of fun I could sing and pray instead! Now I know that doesn’t sound that exciting at all! But follow me on this! I could moan and feel sorry for myself and no human would scold me, but what fun would that be? Instead I could relish in the pleasure, that even though I was flat on my back, sick in bed, I could still stick it to the enemy! And let me tell yo

Never Give Up!

(This post is dedicated to all those who are waiting for a promise. Hang in there!) I posted a while back about the air conditioning in my car, ( The Air was Cold ) I was talking about not listening to experience, (that told me my car would be hot but then it turned out to be cold.) Well the whole point basically was that we need to believe the word of the Lord (and that which He's promised us) over our past experiences. Well just the same we need to believe the word of the Lord (and that which He's promised us) despite our present realities. A week or so after that cold air incident I was driving home from a hike and the air did not cool down but was warm. My air conditioning was gone and in the physical sense there was disappointment at being in a hot car again but this occurrence hit me at a deeper level for the significance the cold air had held for me the other day. It was as if my experience was having the last laugh. Yet in that moment of great disappointment I