
Showing posts from April, 2012

At Least I didn't get my Shoe Wet

Hey! This is for everyone who heard about this story but never got to "see" it! (-:  So Betsy and I went for a drive up the river last week. I have to say there's something about water that I LOVE! I've always loved water. As a little girl we'd take a family trip to a lake or river and I just couldn't stay away. I had to get as close as I could or rock hop so I could stand in the river. Because of this compelling fascination I remember more than once riding home with a wet shoe!  Well... somethings never change.  Here I am! Rock hopping in the river!  (I wanted to get an upstream picture) It was overcast and rainy.  Hanging cloud weather always makes me feel like I'm in the mountains of China! Okay, so maybe China doesn't look like this but it did on that movie The Amazing Panda Adventure (Yep, I grew up in the Free Willy save the animals era! (-: )  One lone missionary scaling the mountains of China to share the gospel w

I Can't Wait

“I can’t wait to hear your mamma laugh, the way that only you can make her laugh when you get silly. And I can’t wait to see you in her arms…”    The orphan’s number one enemy isn’t what you think it would be. It’s not poverty. It’s not starvation. It’s not orphanage life. Even though those are real realities for many of them, the orphans’ greatest enemy is Fear. Not their fear… ours.    If fear can keep us from doing anything, then it’s done its job. It’s not big fear or splashy fear, it’s subtle, and it sneaks in so dangerously. I can’t adopt because I’m too old, I have too many kids already, I don’t have any money, I don’t have any energy left…    I always say that not everyone is called to adopt, because I don’t know who’s supposed to. But I have a sad feeling that more should be doing it that aren’t, for the above reasons.    The number one thing people tell me when they find out that my parents are going back to adopt their fifth child is: Wow, I wish I had your