
Showing posts from February, 2012

Singleness: The Fatal Disease

Have you ever felt like that? You can’t be single in America and not have someone at some time give you the feeling you’re not well. (-: Our society is entirely wrapped up with this idea of relationships. And it starts young! I remember feeling the pressure to pick out which boys I thought were cute… brace yourselves… in KINDERGARTEN! “Well I like him because he’s nice and doesn’t make fake burping noises, and I use to like him but then he puked on the floor and it was yucky.” Seriously, that was my criteria and a kid really did puke on the floor! Now this might just be me, but here’s how the story goes. In kindergarten you start scouting your options, by Jr. High you don’t dare tell any of your friends who you like because they desperately want to be match makers and “set you up”, by high school everyone’s comfortably paired off but you figure this season is all superficial anyway so it couldn’t hurt to wait. By 20 the panic starts to set in, I know I’m young but my parents said

When Shawsh is in Charge

When Shawsh is in charge you get to do some kind of off the wall stuff! Why? I'm not really sure... but some how I always end up doing things that make me wonder, "Is this a good idea?" (-:  Chick(Alexis) and Abby eating honey. (Okay! Maybe I'm a soft touch! But you try and resist Abby's sweet voice asking, "Honey? Not?") Okay, but we're going to wear bibs.  Hmmm... why do they make bibs so short? Honey hair-doo, I gave them each a spoonful and thought, "Oh boy... if that gets in their hair," So I pulled it back a little further just to be safe.  "More Honey?"  Okay, two spoonfuls and then that's it! (Now there's puttin' your foot down! (-: )  Joseph and Lindsey new nothing of the honey for their treat was racing cars on the Play Station 2.  Well sticky honey calls for a wash cloth.  (Actually I gave them these right after putting their hair up. For some reason I could envis

The Real Meaning of Valentine's Day

In a Valentine's Day skit the kids put on today. Betsy asked Joseph what the real meaning of Valentines Day was, and he answered, "Jesus."    Here's Chick (Alexis) singing a song about the Love that's really worth celebrating. (-: