
Showing posts from April, 2019

What Happened?

Sometimes I simply have to laugh at myself. When I think about my last post Dr. Kimble's Choice , the daily dying it talked about, the sacrifice, living at that crisp cutting edge with the Lord, the realities of my life, yet I still trip over the most pathetic of things! It's like being a special forces soldier, who boldly risks their life on a secret mission behind enemy lines, but then comes back home to the barracks and has an emotional melt down because they lost a boot or have a pile of dirty laundry that they never have time to wash! The flu recently hit our home and I was sick for 2 solid weeks. I still had to work, so when I came home everything went to the wayside as resting took priority. I slept in as much as possible, and took on extra work to try and help other family members who were worse off than myself. Though I felt miserable, I had great peace. I bore no burden of the things not getting accomplished as I willing served those who needed me. Then it

Dr. Kimble's Choice

I recently watched a TV show from the 1960s called The Fugitive. Dr. Richard Kimble has been convicted of a murder he did not commit so he spends his life on the run from the law. In one episode while pretending to be a field worker, he finds himself in a situation where a pregnant woman is in need of emergency surgery. Their circumstances have temporarily cut them off from other medical help and we see Kimble wrestling with this painful choice. Will he let her and the baby die? Nobody knew his true identity or ability as a doctor so no one would ever know that he could have saved them. Or will he save them? Exposing his true identity and risking getting caught and sent back to death row? I've been thinking about the cross lately, specifically how people respond when they are faced with taking it up daily. When you think about Jesus going to His physical cross, you see that almost everyone fled. Suddenly the crowds who had flocked Him with their needs, didn't need Him any