
Showing posts from December, 2012

It Guards My Life

11  Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: 12  I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. Philippians 4:11-12 This morning I taught the kids a Bible lesson on being content. After the dust had settled from all the Christmas gifts and money spent, it seemed like a good lesson. Recently I’ve had a great desire for contentment and thankfulness, in my own life. We have many desires and plans in our hearts for the future; many given to us by the Lord, but if we lose sight of today than they have only become a distraction and a hindrance. Over the last several days I have been getting down on my knees to thank the Lord for the life he has given me right here and right now. When the swirling thoughts of what could be, fill my mind, I get down before the Lord and declare before myself, my choice to be thankful

The Ultimate Gift

I recently watched a movie called The Ultimate Gift . Now, I’ll try not to spoil it, but the basic plot is about a grandson trying to get his inheritance. His grandfather passes away and leaves him “The Ultimate Gift”, but the young man isn’t ready to receive it and the movie follows his journey of being made ready. In the end you find that the “ultimate gift” wasn’t the only gift he walked away with. The journey to the prize was full of little gifts that made him ready to receive the ultimate. I’m not ready to receive the ultimate gift. The young man in the movie certainly didn’t say that. Do we ever say that? Do we ever admit that? As a young adult I’m around a lot of other young adults and I’ve had many conversations such as, “Do you know what the Lord might have for you to do in your life?” I can tell you this, I’ve never answered: “Yes He’s given me a real passion for such-and-such but I know I’m not ready.” To confess to the Lord you're not ready isn’t a dec

Don't Try this at Home

Small children probably shouldn't play with the vacuum, but... ...sometimes big sisters just take pictures instead of tattling. 

The Sometimes Daily Quote

"The people who have the greatest impact for good on others, are those who can love someone without having them love them back."  Mr. Carpenter The ButterCream Gang To see previous days quotes, check out the sidebar below the pictures.

The Daily Quote

"The way you treat people is between you and your god, but the way I treat you, is between me and mine." -Scott Paulson The ButterCream Gang

The Daily Quote

"They didn't know it was impossible, so they did it." Mark Twain

The Daily Quote

"Do not panic," -Joseph Peterson