
Showing posts from September, 2012

One Beautiful Fall Day



The traditional military definition of a "Wingman" refers to the pattern in which fighter jets fly. There is always a lead aircraft and another which flies off the right wing of and behind the lead. This second pilot is called the "Wingman" because he or she primarily protects the lead by "watching his back." –USAF Wingman By Rachel L. Peterson Intercession Dawn of the day my restless feet paced for. Cool of the morning brushes my face and I am ready. This mission has been set and prepared for and I step forth. To my plane I walk with authority and eager hands steady. The brightness of heaven kisses the cloudless blue above. I start down the runway, with the sound of building power. In a weightless surge, I lift up off the ground and fly. I press upward; leaving earth of fear, there is no place to cower. I come into formation with you, staying back in position. I follow behind you with shaking thunder and remain on t

Just for Laughs: The Erector Set

 The other day, my dad and I were working on rebuilding my engine. The kids were in the garage playing.  After putting away the groceries, my mom decided to come out and play with Lindsey and Joseph, who were building things with their plastic erector set. Joseph asked my mom to build him a motorcycle and she agreed. As I helped my dad clean parts I heard my mom begin to voice her challenges with building her motorcycle and I had to smile. I have tried to build with those toys before and it is only the persistent that prevail. Let it just be known, plastic bolts do not lock into plastic nuts! You tighten them up, move the item and they begin to loosen, thus causing much confusion as your parts swing around and get misaligned. And you NEED you pieces perfectly aligned or you cannot follow the instructions. You see, the instruction manual shows the motorcycle being built in 7 steps. But within each step, is about 7 steps! I assume they condensed the steps in this manner to keep the ins