
Showing posts from May, 2011

The Secret Lies with Charlotte

19 Until the time that his word came: the word of the LORD tried him. Psalm 105:19 KJV One of my favorite movies is National Treasure . I love the history, mystery, and intricate plot. My sisters and I watched it last night, and as I watched I considered how much this movie could relate to life. If you’ve ever received a promise from the Lord (and I don’t mean just the ones in the Bible) but a promise for you and your life from Him, then you may know what I’m talking about. There is a magnificent treasure hidden away and only one clue of its existence remains. The secret lies with Charlotte. How often does the Lord promise us something, a treasure beyond all imagine! Yet there is only one word that links us from our present physical realm to this unseen gift. Just like the little boy Ben in the movie, when we first receive this promise, we listen in wonder at the magnificent story and our eyes are aglow with the adventure before us, but ever so quickly the voice of the seen call...


Goodbye By: Rachel L. Peterson May 14 th 2011 In memory of two little girls, from China,   who never made it "home" on this earth, but finally found their “Forever Home” with Him. No one celebrated at your arrival, No one brought balloons or flowers, Wrapping you all up in cloth, They didn’t even wait a few hours. Cast aside to the place of the forgotten, You were hidden under the shadow of death, A place no one sees or searches out, But Someone has brought to you every breath. Thick walls enclose you all around, Broken you find your days are few But the eyes that search the earth can see, And He knows the name by which He calls you. Though invisible to your world, You are not forgotten by He who makes, For you I’ve prayed and cried the night, His heart fills mine ‘til it breaks. I say goodbye to one I never knew, Weeping for all the grief and pain, You did not leave this earth unnoticed, And though gone your memory will remain. Everyone celebrated your arrival, Jesu...

What I Heard with One Ear

The other day (4/29) I experimented once again by wearing an earplug in my left ear for an entire day so that I might see what it was like to be my little sister Chick (Alexis) (3), who can only hear out of one ear. Though somewhat easier in function than when I tried “My Little Sister’s Hands” I still found myself feeling the same slight agitation by the afternoon for I again knew the ability in which I lacked. The world of one ear seemed loud and quiet all at the same time. The background noise seemed much louder than someone talking to you. (Especially when they happened at the same time!) Like Abby, Chick knows no different. I know for a fact it’s hard to miss what you’ve never known. My dad’s words on the experiment actually summed the whole thing up, in that he said the experience probably wasn’t quite as enlightening since I’d already done the first, (taping my fingers together) I did feel this to be true, though I don’t regret doing it. The truth was the most impa...

The Blue Book

Yesterday I was considering the different levels of insurance I could have for my vehicle and to see if anything more than I have would be worth it I went on to Kelley’s Blue Book to see what my truck would be worth. I discovered that even in “Good” condition it wouldn’t be worth a hill of beans in a resale. (Not that I ever want to sell!) The world has a “Blue Book” and most of the “cars” in this world live by it. There’s a set system to find value. Some people would pay anything to be seen with that high dollar car. They looked themselves up and found out they weren’t worth a hill of beans either and they think that if maybe they could be accepted by this group of women or noticed by that guy or a certain boss then maybe they could change their value. Kelley’s Blue Book is a somewhat accurate (though most won’t pay the full price in reality!) basis for selling. The worlds “Blue Book” is an inaccurate basis for reference, for it is based solely on the eyes of the beholder. In the ...


Today I was cleaning the kitchen after lunch and my dad was still eating some strawberries and he asked for the whipped cream. I got it for him and Alexis came over to the table. He offered to squirt some whipped cream into her mouth but she covered it and ran away. Unafraid Abby then stepped forward and he offered her a squirt which she accepted. She then waited around near the table for more until he told her she’d had enough. As I watched this I thought about how wonderful childhood is. When you love something you just keep asking for more. Unlike adults who in our years and wisdom have learned about things like calories, fat, sugar and the affects there of! Which in the food realm is good knowledge to have. I then considered though, have we become too wise in our approach to the Lord? Do we stand at the table with our mouths continuously open for more? Or have we backed off because we’re afraid? There are so many lies that come into our thinking and from other p...